KARNATAKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION , 'UDYOGA SOUDHA' BENGALURU - 1 R(2) 4204/2020-21/PSC Dated : 19/11/2020 NOTIFICATION ------------ FINAL SELECTION LIST ************************** Name of the Post : Librarian in M M R S (Navodaya) Name of the Department : Directorate of Minorities Appointing Authority : DIRECTOR In pursuance of this Office Notification No. PSC 1 RT(4)B-2/2017 dated:25/11/17 the Provisional Select List of candidates for 4(03 + 01 HK) posts of Librarian in M M R S (Navodaya) in the Directorate of Minorities prepared on the basis of Rule 8(2)of Karnataka Civil Services(Direct Recruitment by Competitive Examinations and Selection)(General) Rules 2006, as amended from time to time, and amended Rules 2015 was published for information of the candidates vide Notification No:R(2)4051/2020-21/PSC dated: 22/10/2020 inviting objections, if any, from candidates within 07 days from date of publication. No objections have been received within the stipulated time and the final selection list is hereby published for information of the candidates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDUAL PARENT CADRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SL.NO. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE REGNO. D_O_B RESVN. MARKS PERS. QUALIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 VANITHASHREE M R 4007711 28/05/83 GM/CAT-1/W 193.5000 48.3750 395, 4TH MAIN, 7TH CROSS, JNANBHARATHI 1ST STAGE, VALAGERAHALLI, NEAR MEDSOLE HOSPITAL B.LISC BENGALURU URBAN 560059 2 MANJUNATHA 4900911 01/05/86 GM/3B/RL 166.5000 41.6250 MANJUNATHA S/O BASANAGOUDA AT AMEENAGADA B.LISC MANVI RAICHURU 584120 3 NAGARAJU 4111154 30/07/84 C1 100.5000 25.1250 VADDARA COLONY MALAVALLI B.LISC MANDYA 571424 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SL.NO. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE REGNO. D_O_B RESVN. MARKS PERS. QUALIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDERABAD KARNATAKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 NAGARAJ S 4002631 31/05/86 SC 96.0000 24.0000 SWABHIMANA NILAYA NEAR MEDARA KALYANA MANTAPA BEHING S G COLLEGE GAVISHREE NAGARA B.LISC KOPPALA 583231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sd/- (G SATHYAVATHI) Secretary Karnataka Public Service Commission.